tagged with "jf"
- arcologies - an interactive environment for designing 2d sound arcologies with norns and grid
- boingg - a bouncing ball sequencer
- cheat_codes_2 - a sample playground
- endless-stairs - shepard tone generator
- flora - l-systems sequencer and bandpass-filtered sawtooth engine
- just-play - play just friends with midi
- justharmonicon - subharmonic sequencer for jf
- less-concepts - 1d cellular automata sequencer
- loom - pattern weaving sequencer for grids
- m18s - a sequencer based on the RYK M-185
- meadowphysics - grid-enabled rhizomatic cascading counter
- schicksalslied - a poetry sequencer
- shnthsalslied - fork of schicksalslied for use with shbobo shnth
- splnkr - an amplitude and frequency tracking effects processor/sampler/sequencer
- Tidbit - Use Just Friends or a MIDI device as a 'melodic' granular synth.