otis v2.3

stereo “tape” delay/looper thing for norns
join the conversation at - https://llllllll.co/t/22149
there are three pages, mix, play, and edit. navigate with encoder 1. hold key 1 for ALT.
- key 2 = mute L
key 3 = mute R
- enc 2 = vol L
- enc 3 = vol R
- ALT + enc 2 = pan L
- ALT + enc 3 = pan R
- key 2 = flip L
- key 3 = flip R
- ALT + key 2 = skip L
ALT + key 2 = skip R
- enc 2 = tape speed L
- enc 3 = tape speed R
- ALT + enc 2 = feedback L
- ALT + enc 3 = feedback R
nb: tape speed behavior by default is free; however, it can be quantized to many different scales via the parameters menu.
skip behavior by default is a loop reset; however, it can be configured to jump to random positions via the parameters menu.
nb: turning rec L/R off will hold the buffer, allowing use as a looper.
nb: on all pages, alt + enc 1 toggles between fine and coarse parameter adjustments. turn enc 1 right for fine, left for coarse.

- L/R loops are laid out identically.
- touch a key inside the “loop position” area to jump to that point in the loop.
- holding the grid alt button and touching one of the speed up/down buttons will return speed to 1.
- holding the grid alt button and turning enc 2/3 will “slide” your L/R loops around the buffer.
while holding an lfo on button you can edit lfo parameters with the norns encoders and keys:
- enc 1: lfo speed/frequency
- enc 2: lfo depth
- enc 3: lfo offset
- key 2/3: set lfo shape
to “patch” an lfo:
- hold an lfo on button
- adjust lfo settings
- touch a control
holding the grid alt button and pressing in the lfo section will “un-patch” the lfo.
speed scales
speed scales are collections of 6 speeds that are playable via the grid. adding your own “tunings” is easy.
- connect norns to wifi and launch maiden
- open the
- open the file named

to add your custom scale, simply:
- add the scale name to the
table. (it’s likely best to avoid spaces and special characters)

- add a
table containing six numbers 0-4.

that’s it! you’re a musical hacker person now!
parameter details
l/r loops
- vol - loop volume
- speed - playback and recording speed
- speed slew - the time it takes for your speed to “settle” at its destination speed.
- loop start - start of your loop in seconds
- loop end - end of your loop in seconds
- feedback - how much of your overwritten material should stick around? 1 is all, 0 is none.
- rec - enable/disable recording
- pan - stereo posistion
- pan slew - time it takes for your pan position to “settle” at its destination position.
- sample rate
- bit depth
- saturation - tape style saturation amount
- crossover - crossover frequency for the effect filters
- tone
- noise - tape hiss amount
- skip controls - whether skip jumps back to the start of your loop, or to a random position
- speed scale - set your speed scale/quantizing
- audio routing - set the signal flow. default is input + softcut -> engine.
- lfo target - select parameter to modulate
- lfo shape - sine, square, or sample and hold
- lfo depth - amount of modulation
- offset - lfo offset amount
- lfo freq - lfo speed
- lfo - lfo on/off toggle