project name: graintopia
project url:
author: infinitedigits
description: three lands with six grains
discussion url:
tags: granulator


six grains

three lands. each land has six grains. each grain moves with physics modeled by 1d kinematics of interlocked elastic beads of random masses. the width of the grain corresponds to the size of the sample. the speed, volume, pan, and direction of the sample is controlled through internalized random oscillations. these oscillations have a macro control, or micro control if you want to venture into editing the heavily commented code (encouraged!!).

this script was born out of creating a sampling demo for the ceti workshop series. it has a standalone SuperCollider implementation called Ube (though Ube is missing the organic physics controls). its origin is also in barcode which has its provenance in the softcut norns study #3.



check the options to tune things even further. there is an incredible reverb (a stereo variant from Jon Dattorro implemented by jpcima) and you can control the “velocity” when switching between favorites for some great performable gestures.


install with


after installing and you run, you may be prompted to install additional SuperCollider libraries. this has been tested and seems to work on most devices, but let me know if you run into trouble.