Giro is a performance oriented (a)sync looper.
- Loops are mono. Input is read from left input of norns.
- Master loops are cut to lenght when pressing play or stop after recording.
- Slave loops are multiples (1-8) of master loops.
- Loops are synced to master loops when playing is started.
- There can be multiple master loops within a loop group which are then asynchronous.
- Rate can be adjusted for loops and they will get async but will be synced again when stopped and started.
- There is a one step undo so it’s possible to revert to previous loop state and cancel current recording.

- white dot - selected loop
- number - loop number, suffixed by c when there is content in the loop
- status - status of loop (rec/ovr/play/stop)
- arc - loop progress bar
- vertical bar - loop level
- horizontal bar - loop pan
- m(number) - number of master loop e.g. m1
- x(number) - number of loop multiples
- g(number) - number of loop group
- G - group play enabled when visible
- E1 select loop - Selects active loop.
- K2 rec/ovr/play - 1st press will start rec for empty master loops and overdub for slave loops. 2nd press will play loop. Next press will again overdub.
- E3 stop - Stops selected loop.
- K1+K2 enable group play - Group play will toggle group play on/off when on there is a “G” in upper right hand corner visible. In group play mode all loops within group start when one loop is started.
- K1+K3 clear loop - Clears loop contents.
- E2 loop level - Adjusts loop level.
- K1+E2 loop pan - Adjusts loop pan.
- E3 loop group rate - Adjusts rate for the whole loop group at once.
- K1+E3 loop rate - Adjusts rate for selected loop.
- master loop - it’s possible to slave loop to another loop by selecting corresponding loop number
- loop group - loops can be grouped to loop/choke groups so that starting a loop from another group will stop currently playing group
- loop multiple - loop can be a multiple of 1-8 to it’s master loop. Note: if master loop length * multiples > maximum loop length - multiples will be reduced accordingly
- level - loop level
- pan - loop pan
- rate - loop rate (-2x,-1x,-0.5x,0.5x,1x,2x)
There are toggles for all the buttons so that they can be mapped to e.g. midi foot controller.
- record/ovr/play
- play
- stop
- stop all
- clear
- undo
- next loop
- previous loop
group play
- save loops to disk - contents of the loops will be save to disk from buffer pre of any level,pan,rate adjustments. Loops are saved to folder /audio/giro/ in format giro_sessionidxxxxxx_saveid_yyyyyy_loopz where xxxxxx is a random number for giro session, yyyyyy is a random number for saving time and z is the number of loop - e.g. giro_sessionid489027_saveid118714_loop2.wav.
Stuff to do next
- Test & fix bugs
- Maybe grid UI for more hands on performance and less menu tweaking
- Norns studies and all who have participated in building those
- Softcut and all who have participated in building it
- @schollz for oooooo and rc505 scripts I have been reading thru and trying to learn something
- @kbra for a couple of useful suggestions for a looper