project name: form!matter
project url:
author: imminent_gloom
description: drum sequencer, entropically inclusive
discussion url:
tags: drum sequencer grid nb crow



Form, without matter. A drum-sequencer for monome norns and grid.

Supports N.B. et al.

Four tracks. 96 ppqn. Full access to every substep. Edit steps in time on the grid or program each substep as desired. Play unquantized. Multiple flavours of entropy on tap. Audio-rate fills. Can genereate a large amount of notes rapidly. Adjust speed limit to achieve desired level of downstream stability.

form!matter strives to be entropically inclusive.

Note: Best installed from the project manager in maiden, change folder name to “form!matter” if using ;install…


note:                  some functions cover several buttons
                       "shift 1/3" means hold any 1 of 3 shift-buttons
K1:                    hold to toggle note mode
K2:                    play/pause
K3:                    reset
E1:                    tempo

normal mode:
E2 cw:                 add random notes every step
E3 cw:                 add random notes anywhere
E2/3 ccw:              remove notes last first

note mode:
E2:                    edit note
E2 + shift 1/3:        edit velocity 
E2 + shift 2/3:        edit duration 
E3:                    scroll through active steps
sequence:              toggle notes
substeps:              toggle substeps
rec 1-4:               disengates controls from track, plays, but does not write
mute 1-4:              mute sequence, play is still possible.
trig 1-4:              play note, write if rec is enabled.
trig 1-4 + clear:      clear notes
trig 1-4 + fill:       fill track at rates set by ammount of fill held
loop 1/3 + sequence:   loops held step, either one or several in order
loop 2/3 + sequence:   sets loop points for single track. press above or below for single step
loop 3/3 + sequence:   sets loop points for all tracks. press above or below for single step
shift (both modes):    shift
shift 1/3 (note mode): edit velocity
shift 2/3 (note mode): edit duration
fill 1-6/8:            hold to set fillrate
play:                  play/pause
play + shift:          toggle playback direction
reset:                 reset
select:                choose step and substep(s) to edit
clear + shift:         clear sequence
clear + sequence:      clear steps
clear + substeps:      clear substeps
pattern 1-4:           load pattern
pattern 1-4 +          shift: save pattern
pattern 1-4 + clear:   clear pattern
pattern 1-4 + select:  pattern bank

Pattern: Each pattern is saved in its own file called pattern_slot_num_bank_num in data/form!matter. Back up by copying them elsewhere.