
![grids.jpg 690x461, 75%](/community/eigen/grids.jpg)

mod to use grid as midi keyboard anywhere.

can send midi message towards currently running script (in), external hadware (out) or both at the same time (in+out).


when no script is loaded, auto-activates in out mode. the target device can be selected in the params menu (MOD - GRIDKEYS > MIDI OUT device).

will auto-activate in in mode for scripts that don’t natively use grid. it can anyway be toggled on/off via param menu (MOD - GRIDKEYS > gridkeys active).

in in mode, notes will be sent to the input of the virtual midi device, which you certainly would have to activate in SYSTEM > DEVICES > MIDI.


in in mode, playing grid will only take effect if current script listens to the virtual midi device.

in out mode, playing grid will only take effect if target device is other than none and virtual.


from maiden type ;install