project name: abacus
project url: https://github.com/schollz/abacus
author: infinitedigits
description: sequence rows of beats with samples
discussion url: https://llllllll.co/t/abacus/37871
tags: sequencer


sequence rows of beats with samples.


this norns script creates sequences of samples from a tape. you can load any tape and splice it into up to 26 samples (named a-z). samples can then be patterned into 16-subdivided measures. patterns can then be chained together.

this script was a hard one to make because at a certain point i kept getting caught up playing with for hours instead of figuring out how to make it user-friendly…

this script builds off others. it is inspired a lot from ideas in glitchlets (no realtime here) and a lot of code ideas from @mattbiddulph’s exquisite beets (initially i forked beets but i didn’t want to ruin the code with my hacks). also inspiration from the po-33. and, it is inspired by @csboling’s beautiful waveform renderings.

future directions:



sample mode

pattern mode

chain mode


<img src=”https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6550035/97829923-468d7780-1c80-11eb-9b89-89e7a003b4ac.png” alt=”Demo of playing” width=80%>

<img src=”https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6550035/97828771-e812ca00-1c7c-11eb-8241-9fd73a5c3b06.png” alt=”Demo of playing” width=80%>

my other norns

